Microwave Techniques, a global provider of high-power microwave solutions has organized a customer workshop program for Transmission Line Power Ratings on October 14 - 25, 2021.
There are industry standards that determine the recommended peak and average power rating of coaxial and waveguide transmission lines. The power rating of RF components is usually based on these ratings and maybe degraded or enhanced depending on the design approach taken. Also, environmental and system operating conditions may degrade these ratings and need to be accounted for. As new applications are developed or new technologies, like solid-state, are being applied to existing applications, these ratings may often be reached or exceeded in portions of a system. It is critical that the power limitations of the transmission media and of the components are fully understood to construct a robust, reliable system.
This workshop will:
- Define how the peak and average power limitations of coaxial and waveguide transmission lines were determined and provide the safety factors that are used in these ratings.
- Show how environmental and system operating conditions impact the power rating.
- Review fundamental RF components and show how the components power rating is determined as a percentage of the transmission media it was designed in.
- Demonstrate techniques that can extend the peak or average power rating of RF components.
- Discuss system-level design approaches that can be used to avoid a weak link in the overall system.
- Provide power rating calculation tools that account for VSWR, ambient temperature, pressurization, surface finishes and materials used in the determination of the power rating for coaxial and waveguide transmission lines.
Click here to learn more about the workshop.
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