What are Travelling Wave Tube Amplifiers?
Travelling wave tube amplifiers or TWT Amplifiers use a specialized vacuum tube technology to amplify RF signals. These amplifiers can be used for high power applications, generating power of over 10 KW. They can also operate at high frequencies up to 100 GHz.
There are two types of TWTA are:
1. Helix TWT: In this type of TWTA, the radio waves interact with the electron beam, all the while travelling down a wire helix which surrounds the beam. They have wide bandwidth, but limited output power. They are capable of delivering power up to 2.5kW
2. Couple Cavity TWT: The radio waves interact with the beam in a series of cavity resonators through which the beam passes. They are capable of delivering power up to 15kW.
TWT Amplifiers are used in a wide range of high power applications - satellites, military, radars, microwave transmitters/receivers and a number of other applications. While TWT amplifiers were very popular for high power applications, today SSPA (Solid State Power Amplifiers) are prefered for these applications as they are smaller, more efficient and have longer life spans.
everything RF has listed Travelling Wave Tube Amplifiers from the leading manufacturers. Use the search tools to find products based on their frequency and output power levels.