Capacitive Reactance and Admittance Calculator

Capacitive Reactance and Admittance Calculator: Use capacitive reactance and admittance calculator for finding the reactance and admittance of any circuit by filling the respective frequency and capacitance values. The converse of this calculation is also possible by using the second part of the calculator.

Enter F and C to calculate for XC and BC

  • GHz
  • pF


  • XC
  • BC
Formula for Capacitive Reactance and Admittance Calculator

Enter Xc and F to calculate for C and Bc

  • Ω
  • GHz


  • C
  • BC
Formula for Capacitive Reactance and Admittance Calculator

Capacitive reactance and admittance calculator:

This online capacitance reactance and admittance calculator helps to calculate the value of reactance Xc (Ω) and susceptance Bc (m-mhos) of a capacitor by entering the value of the capacitor (pF) and frequency of operation (GHz).

This online calculator also provides an additional calculator to calculate the value of the capacitor (pF) and susceptance Bc (m-mhos) by entering the reactance value Xc (Ω) and frequency of operation (GHz).

What is capacitive reactance?

The opposition to the flow of alternating current due to a capacitor is called capacitive reactance. Since it opposes the current flow similar to a resistor, thus the capacitive reactance is measured in ohms, Ω. The symbol for capacitive reactance is Xc.

How to calculate capacitive reactance?

The capacitive reactance Xc is calculated by using the following formula in an AC circuit.

  • Where:
  • Xc = Capacitive reactance in ohm (Ω)
  • C = Capacitance value in the AC circuit in pF (picofarad)
  • f = Operating frequency of AC circuit in GHz

What is admittance?

In an AC circuit, admittance is the measure of how easily a circuit or device allows the alternating current flow. Admittance is the reciprocal of impedance Z. The admittance is represented by the letter “Y” and the unit of admittance is siemens (S) or mho (℧).

The impedance Z is the measure of the opposition to electrical current flow due to a circuit or device. The unit of impedance Z is ohm (Ω).

In a DC circuit, the impedance Z and the resistance (R) are the same; thus, the impedance in a DC circuit is defined as the voltage across an element divided by the current (Z = R = V/I).

In an AC circuit, the "reactance (represented by letter X)" enters the impedance equation due to the frequency-dependent contributions of capacitance and inductance (if capacitor and inductor elements are present in the AC circuit). The symbol of capacitive reactance is Xc, and the symbol of inductive reactance is XL.

The opposition of alternating current flow due to a capacitor is called capacitive reactance (Xc), and the opposition of alternating current flow due to an inductor is called inductive reactance (XL). Both the XL and Xc create the phase difference between the input AC supply voltage and current flow through the circuit. Hence, the impedance (Z) of the AC circuit is represented in the complex form Z=R+jX. Here, some series circuits are given below to understand the impedance (Z) of the circuit.

DC circuit (impedance Z=R1 Ω)
DC circuit (impedance Z=R1 Ω)
AC circuit- only resistance present (impedance Z = R Ω)
AC circuit- only resistance present (impedance Z = R Ω)
AC series RL circuit- resistance and inductor present (impedance Z = R+jXL Ω)
AC series RL circuit- resistance and inductor present (impedance Z = R+jXL Ω)
AC series RC circuit- resistance and capacitor present (impedance Z = R-jXc Ω)
AC series RC circuit- resistance and capacitor present (impedance Z = R-jXc Ω)
AC series RLC circuit- resistance and capacitor present (impedance Z = R+j(XL - Xc Ω)
AC series RLC circuit- resistance and capacitor present (impedance Z = R+j(XL - Xc Ω)

Admittance is the reciprocal of impedance Z= R+jX.

i.e., Y= 1/Z = G+jB measured in siemens

  • Where:
  • Y = admittance of a circuit measured in siemens
  • G = Conductance measured in siemens
  • B = Susceptance measured in Siemens

The formula for calculate the susceptance of the following circuit is: Bc = 1/Xc

Only Capacitor “C” present