Impedance Tuners

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There are three types of Impedance Tuners - Automated Impedance Tuners, Slide Screw Tuners and Stub Tuners. Impedance Tuners from the leading manufacturers are listed here. Narrow down on impedance tubers by frequency, interface and other specifications. View product specifications, download datasheets and request quotations on products that meet your requirement.

What are Impedance Tuners?

Impedance tuning is the process of varying the load impedance of a device while evaluating its performance. In an ideal RF world, all devices and systems are matched to 50 ohms. However, this is not always the case. In the real world, due to non-linearities and various other factors, non-50 ohm loads become a reality. As a result, it is important to know how a device will perform with non-50 ohm loads. Impedance tuners help characterize devices by evaluating their performance under different impedance conditions. One such test is the load pull test. Where the load impedance is varied to help identify the point of maximum power transfer.

Today most impedance tuners are automated i.e their impedance can be set and controlled using a computer to provide a wide range of impedance conditions. However, before these automated systems became mainstream, manual tuners were used to vary impedance. Two types of manual impedance tuners are: Slide Screw Tuner and Stub Tuner.

everything RF has listed RF Impedance tuners from the leading manufacturers. We have created two categories for manual  - Slide Screw Tuners and Stud Tuners and one category for automated impedance tuner. We have tried to list all the impedance tuners from the leading manufacturers and make them searchable by their frequency range, power handling capability and interface options. This way users can easily find impedance tuners that are right for their application. Download datasheets and get quotations on products that meet your requirement.