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Oscillator is an electronic device or circuit used in electronic applications to generate oscillating signals of desired frequencies. RF Oscillators from the leading manufacturers are listed below. Use the filters to narrow down on products based on your requirement. Download datasheets and request quotes for products that you find interesting. Your inquiry will be directed to the manufacturer and their distributors in your region.

Oscillator is an electronic device or circuit used in electronic applications to generate oscillating signals of desired frequencies. It can generate various output waveforms including sine wave, square wave, triangle wave, or any other waveform. Oscillators can be used as a timing reference or signal source in a wide range of electronic systems and applications.

Oscillators can be categorized into LC oscillators, crystal oscillators, RC oscillators, GPS disciplined oscillators (GPSDO), Rubidium oscillators, voltage-controlled oscillators (VCOs), and other oscillator types.

Important Parameters to Consider in an Oscillator:

  • Frequency: It is the frequency that the oscillator will generate.
  • Output Waveform: The waveform that the oscillator can produce (for instance sine wave, CMOS, LVCMOS, etc.)
  • Frequency Stability: It is the oscillator output frequency variation (measured in ppm) due to conditions like temperature variation, voltage variation, output load variation, and crystal aging.
  • Phase Noise: It is the random, short-term phase variation in the signal waveform (in dBc/Hz). A lower value of phase noise (dBc/Hz) is preferred.

everything RF lists Oscillators from the leading manufacturers. Use the parametric search tools to narrow down on products based on your requirement. Once you find parts that meet your specification, download the data sheet, compare products and request quotations. Inquiries sent via everything RF are directed to the manufacturers who get back to you with a quote or information.