5G Frequency Spectrum in New Zeland

What frequency bands have been allocated for 5G in New Zeland?

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Sep 15, 2020

The following 5G frequency bands have been allocated in New Zeland:

Frequency BandFrequency Range
n382.6 GHz
n783.5 GHz

New Zealand’s Radio Spectrum Management (RSM) announced in May 2020 that the 3.5 GHz (n78) band auction has been canceled due to constraints imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic and have decided for a direct allocation process instead.

In June 2020, offers were made for the early access of 3.5 GHz band. This resulted in 40 MHz of spectrum from 3590 - 3630 MHz being granted to Dense Air, 60 MHz from 3630 - 3690 MHz granted to Spark and 60 MHz spectrum from 3690 - 3750 MHz frequency range was granted to 2degrees.

Vodafone New Zealand has already got access to 5G spectrum. It launched commercial 5G services in December 2019 in the cities of Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Queenstown. Spark has also announced to launch 5G services in areas of Westport, Clyde, Twizel, Tekapo and Hokitika, using the 2.6 GHz (n38) band in partnership with Nokia.

RSM is also considering for 24.25–28.35 GHz (n258 and n261) spectrum for future 5G use.