5G Frequency Spectrum in Peru

What frequency bands have been allocated for 5G in Peru?

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- everything RF

Sep 21, 2020

The AWS-3 band, 2.3 GHz band and the 3.5 GHz band are being allocated for 5G use in Peru. The Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC) in Peru is also considering releasing the 24.25 - 27.5 GHz (n258) band and 39 GHz band for future 5G deployments.

Peru’s top operators Entel, Claro, Telefonica and Vietel are staging the 5G trials in the country. The first trial was conducted by Entel with Huawei in March, 2019. Then in May 2019 Claro started its own 5G trial (also with Huawei) while using a temporary allocation of 3.6 GHz spectrum. Movistar, in partnership with Ericsson, also conducted 5G trials in Trujillo in September, 2019.