What is ELF or Extremely Low Frequency?

What is Extremely Low Frequency (ELF)? What is the frequency range? Where is it used?

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Nov 13, 2023

Extremely low frequency (ELF) is an ITU (International Telecommunication Union) allocated and regulated frequency band that ranges from 3 to 30 Hz. Despite being underutilized in commercial applications, the ELF spectrum holds strategic importance for military and scientific purposes. Therefore, its careful management and regulation are crucial, as recognized by ITU.

ELF waves, as their name suggests, operate at the lowest end of the frequency spectrum, far below the frequencies that are typically associated with radio and television broadcasting. Because of the difficulty of building antennas that can radiate such long waves, ELF frequencies have been used in only a very few human-made communication systems. Due to their exceptionally long wavelength range of approximately 100,000 (3 Hz) to 10,000 kilometers (30 Hz) or 100,000,000 to 10,000,000 meters, they possess the ability to penetrate the Earth's surface to considerable depths, making them beneficial for geological and geophysical exploration. ELF waves can propagate through water including seawater and hence can penetrate deeply into the oceans, which makes them useful in communication with submarines and other submerged vessels, presenting a crucial aspect for military and naval operations.

A few nations have built military ELF transmitters to transmit signals to their submerged submarines, consisting of huge, grounded wire antennas (ground dipoles) 15–60 km (9–37 mi) long driven by transmitters producing megawatts of power. The United States, Russia, India, and China are the only countries known to have constructed these ELF communication facilities.

Due to their extremely long wavelength, ELF waves can diffract around large obstacles, are not blocked by mountain ranges or the horizon, and can travel around the curvature of the Earth. ELF and VLF (Very Low Frequency) waves propagate long distances by an Earth-ionosphere waveguide mechanism. The Earth is surrounded by a layer of charged particles (ions and electrons) at the bottom of the ionosphere, called the D layer which reflects ELF waves. The space between the conductive Earth's surface and the conductive D layer acts as a parallel-plate waveguide that confines ELF waves, allowing them to propagate long distances without escaping into space. The height of the layer is much less than one wavelength at ELF frequencies, so the only mode that can propagate at ELF frequencies is the TEM mode in vertical polarization, with the electric field vertical and the magnetic field horizontal. ELF waves have an extremely low attenuation of around 120 dB per 1,000 km (620 mi) through the air which is close to 0 dB in typical distances (1-2 km), giving a single transmitter the potential to communicate worldwide. Though ELF waves generally experience less attenuation through the air compared to other higher-frequency waves, factors such as distance, atmospheric conditions, and external interference can still impact their propagation and signal strength.

Applications of ELF Waves: 

  1. Communication with Submarines: One of the most critical applications of ELF waves lies in their usage for submarine communication. As these waves can penetrate the ocean depths where other radio frequencies fail, they enable long-range, secure communication with submarines, offering a vital means of maintaining contact with underwater vessels for defense and strategic purposes.

  1. Geophysical Exploration: ELF waves have found utility in geophysical exploration, particularly in the study of the Earth's crust and mantle. By analyzing the interactions between ELF waves and the Earth's subsurface, researchers can glean valuable insights into geological structures, seismic activity, and potential mineral deposits, aiding in the discovery and extraction of valuable resources.

  1. Research in Biological Effects: Although controversial, research has been conducted to investigate the potential biological effects of ELF waves on living organisms. While the evidence remains inconclusive, some studies suggest that exposure to ELF waves may impact biological processes, such as circadian rhythms and cellular functions, prompting ongoing research to elucidate their potential implications for human health and well-being.

Challenges and Limitations 

Despite their diverse applications, understanding and harnessing the potential of ELF waves come with various challenges. The long wavelengths of ELF waves require the use of large antennas, making practical implementation and deployment challenging. Additionally, the potential biological effects of prolonged exposure to ELF waves remain a topic of ongoing debate, emphasizing the need for comprehensive research to ascertain their impact on human health and the environment.

Future Prospects 

As technology continues to advance, the exploration of ELF waves is anticipated to yield further insights and applications. With ongoing research in the fields of communication, geophysics, and biophysics, the potential for innovative applications of ELF waves appears promising. Moreover, advancements in antenna technology and signal processing techniques are likely to enhance the efficiency and practicality of utilizing ELF waves for various scientific and practical purposes. Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) waves, with their unique properties and diverse applications, continue to captivate the scientific community, offering a gateway to understanding the Earth's subsurface and providing a means for secure communication in environments where conventional radio waves face limitations.