
  • United Kingdom
  • +44 1224 965800
  • VERIPOS House,1 B Farburn Terrace, Dyce, Aberdeen, AB21 7DT UK

Company Overview

Veripos, part of Hexagon, is a global technology leader, pioneering end-to-end assured positioning solutions for the offshore marine oil and gas industry. For Veripos, positioning is only assured when it is precise, accurate, reliable, available and authentic.

With the extreme demands of marine oil and gas operations, Veriposprovides the high-precision navigation and positioning products and services necessary to operate safely and efficiently. We leverage both the Global Navigation Satellite Network (GNSS) and our own proprietary corrections network to deliver the most robust, high-performance positioning solutions available in the offshore marketplace.

We offer high-precision GNSS positioning receivers and corrections services, and our solutions are critical to the marine oil & gas industry, enabling dynamic positioning, drilling, marine seismic exploration, survey and construction.

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