Win Semiconductors

  • Taiwan
  • +886 3 397 5999
  • No. 69, Technology 7th Rd., Hwaya Technology Park, Guishan District., Taoyuan City, Taiwan

Company Overview

WIN Semiconductors was founded in October 1999, as the first pure-play 6-inch GaAs foundry in the world. They provide dedicated foundry services to design houses as well as IDM partners. WIN supplies HBT and pHEMT MMIC fabrication services to worldwide IC manufacturers, using state-of-the-art GaAs process technology.

Their low cost foundry services cover a broad range of applications from 5MHz to 130 GHz. The support a number of technologies including 1μm HBT, 2μm HBT, 0.5μm pHEMT Switch, 0.5μm power pHEMT, 0.25μm power pHEMT, 0.25μm E/D pHEMT, 0.15μm LNA pHEMT, 0.15μm power pHEMT, 0.1μm power pHEMT and BiFET pHEMT.

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