EW Europe 2017

EW Europe 2017
  • Date: 6 to 8 June, 2017
  • Location:
    OLYMPIA, London
  • Event Type: Exhibition, Conference

Event Overview

The AOC Electronic Warfare Europe 2017 event that will bring together the communities involved in EW, SIGINT, C4ISR, Cyber EM Activities (CEMA) and more. It will focus on the future of EW and EM Operations in the changing light of current and emerging threats, including Hybrid Warfare and Anti Access/Area Denial (A2/AD) where potential opponents are out-performing the West.  It will consider the possible responses, how thinking and attitudes must change, and examine the new capabilities that will be required across all lines of development, by all services, in all countries in the free world.

The conference will include plenary sessions and twin-tracks focusing respectively on operations, capability and defence lines of development, and industry developments and inventiveness.