Productronica China 2022

Productronica China 2022
  • Date: 23 to 25 March, 2022
  • Location:
    Shanghai, China
  • Event Type: Exhibition

Event Overview

Productronica China 2022, one of China’s leading international trade fairs for electronics development and production, will be held from March 23-25, 2022, in Shanghai, China. Founded in 2002, it is now one of the biggest platforms for innovative electronics manufacturing. Productronica features first-rate forums and events, which highlight the latest market trends and technologies. The forums, conferences, presentations of application examples, and panel discussions will provide additional momentum and background information. Productronica is attended by over 5,800 exhibitors and 200,000 high-quality visitors including decision-makers from China and abroad thus providing maximum diversities, opportunities, and potential for business growth.