Signal Hound’s Spike Software Now Supports Bluetooth LE Waveform Generation

Signal Hound’s Spike Software Now Supports Bluetooth LE Waveform Generation

Signal Hound has announced a new spike spectrum analyzer software for the VSG60 vector signal generator. This software is now compatible with the Linux OS, particularly 64-bit Ubuntu 18.04. With the release of the VSG60 software, signal hound also added the ability to generate Bluetooth Low Energy (Bluetooth LE) waveforms on both the Windows and Linux variants of the software.

Add in Bluetooth LE Waveform Generation for IoT Development on Windows and Linux

For those working with Bluetooth LE signals (IoT development), the addition of this waveform should be enticing. The ability to generate this innovative signal on a low-cost signal generator like the VSG60 lowers the barrier of entry to Bluetooth-based hardware and application development, enabling a wider pool of talented developers to create and build the devices connecting the world.

Bluetooth LE waveform configuration with a Signal Hound VSG60A on 64-bit Linux

Spike Spectrum Analyzer Software for Linux

The Linux version of Spike VSG60 software contains the full feature set of the Windows variant, providing a 1:1 experience for those familiar with using Spike on Windows. Spike for Linux supports their BB60 and SM200-series real-time RF spectrum analyzers.

Waterfall display during a sweep in Spike

The launch of Spike for Linux is a big step forward for Signal Hound, now expanding the user base to include those working with and developing RF analysis applications on the Linux platform. Until now, Linux users wanting to work with the real-time RF spectrum analyzers could connect to the devices via API, but those wanting to use Spike needed to integrate a Windows-based PC into their workflow, which isn’t an ideal solution (or even possible) in most situations.

Spectrum Emission Mask with a Bluetooth Signal in Spike, running on 64-bit Linux

Spike for 64-bit Linux offers the same powerful features as the Windows version, including real-time analysis, digital demodulation analysis, EMC pre-compliance testing features, interference hunting capabilities, phase noise measurements, 802.11 WLAN modulation analysis, and spectrum emission masks, among several others.

Click here to learn/download waveform generation software.

This software is also developed for Ubuntu 18.04, the Linux variant of the VSG60 software offers the same features as the current Windows version of the application, providing RF professionals working on the Linux platform access to an affordable RF signal generator capable of producing a large number of signals and waveforms.

The VSG60 software generating a QAM signal for real-time analysis in Spike on Ubuntu 18.04

Previously, the VSG60 was accessible to Linux-based developers via the device’s API, but now the full signal generation application is available to those working on 64-bit Linux, enabling push-button waveform capabilities for a larger user-base.

Click here to learn more about the VSG60, and download the software for free.

Publisher: everything RF