Times Microwave Systems Introduces Equalizers to Balance Received Signal Strength

Times Microwave Systems Introduces Equalizers to Balance Received Signal Strength

Times Microwavable Systems, an Amphenol company, has developed insertable equalizers which can be installed in line with their RF assemblies. The equalizers can be easily swapped by their engineers post-install to fine-tune signal ranges and paths without extra devices or costly upgrades.

Equalizers help balance the received signal strength. An equalizer balances the slope (amplitude) to enable normalizing (flattening) of the incoming signals. Equalizers add specific attenuation to shorter cable runs and control signal strength to meet an expected power over a specified frequency range. Low frequencies typically need more attenuation while minimizing the amplitude of incoming high-frequency signals, effectively flattening the received power over frequency.

Theaters and performance venues are designed to balance sound acoustics in vast spaces. Multi quadrant systems and their antennas to line-replaceable unit (LRU) paths installed on airplanes also have similar requirements. Even with the best coaxial cables, there is a loss slope within each cable’s run and a delta loss run-to-run that must be balanced.

Click here to learn more about Times Microwave Equalizers.

Click here to learn more about Gain Equalizers.

Click here to view Gain Equalizers from the leading manufacturers on everything RF.

Publisher: everything RF