Hexagon | VERIPOS Launches Compact Low SWaP GPS Anti-Jam Antenna

Hexagon | VERIPOS Launches Compact Low SWaP GPS Anti-Jam Antenna

Hexagon | VERIPOS has added the GAJT-410MS, a new compact GPS Anti-Jam Solution to its GPS Anti-Jam Technology (GAJT) portfolio. This low size, weight, and power (SWaP) model of the field-proven GAJT-710MS protects against RF interference with adaptive nulling, including jammer direction-finding and up to three simultaneous nulls for multi-jammer scenarios.

Jamming, interference, and spoofing where positioning systems are either overpowered or fooled into providing false coordinates and measurements threaten the integrity of GNSS signals. Dynamic positioning, seismic survey, offshore construction, and unmanned and autonomous vessels all require an added layer of protection against RF interference, which can disrupt positioning accuracy to the point of total solution denial and place the safety of operations, vessel and crew at risk.

The GAJT-410MS protects against RF interference, jamming, and spoofing activities to enable assured positioning, navigation, and timing (APNT). The low SWaP unit is optimized for space-constrained vessels like unmanned and autonomous platforms. The Power Injector Data Converter (PIDC) simplifies installation by connecting the GAJT-410MS to the user’s existing GNSS receiver through a single RF cable.

Deployment across new and legacy fleets is further streamlined through compatibility with VERIPOS LD8 and LD900 GNSS receivers. An integrated 4-element anti-jam system provides dynamic protection on GPS L1 and L2, Galileo E1, QZSS L1/L2, and SBAS L1 frequencies for a well-protected system against intentional and benign RF interference from nearby devices and jamming sources. 

"The GAJT-410MS continues the proven track record seen in our GAJT-710MS, only in a low size, weight, and power model," said Dr. David Russell, marine segment manager at Hexagon's Autonomy & Positioning division. "It’s an ideal anti-jam solution for users requiring the highest quality positioning, navigation, and timing available in space-constrained platforms like unmanned and autonomous vessels.”

Supported by best-in-class lean manufacturing processes, non-ITAR status, and 24/7/365 support from VERIPOS, the GAJT-410MS can be deployed and installed quickly to begin protecting against RF interference, jamming, and spoofing.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   GNSSGNSS Anti-Jamming