Kleos Space Showcasing its Signal & Geospatial Intelligence Solution at the AOC 2021 Event

Kleos Space Showcasing its Signal & Geospatial Intelligence Solution at the AOC 2021 Event

Kleos Space, a company that detects & geolocates RF transmissions from space to improve the identification of hidden & illegal activity is participating in the Association of Old Crows’ 58th Annual International Symposium & Convention. The 2021 AOC event is taking place in Washington, DC from Nov. 30 - Dec. 2, 2021.

Andy Bower, CEO of Kleos, is participating on behalf of the rapidly expanding space technology startup, which recently expanded to the U.S. Bowyer is an expert in complex space contracts, missions to Mars and Mercury, and Space Mission Business Development. Kleos powers insights through data, by using hyper-efficient, low orbit space satellite technology to monitor coastlines for maritime activity, across the globe. Their data-as-service empowers users from National Governments to corporations, researchers and law enforcement to access radiofrequency geolocation information in near real-time. This intelligence and reconnaissance information serves as an invaluable asset in protecting borders, fighting criminal activity like illegal fishing and human trafficking, and addressing critical environmental issues related to climate change.

On Nov. 25, Kleos celebrated their one-year anniversary of launching a satellite cluster into low space orbit, from India. They have since launched another successful mission, and are planning to launch a 3rd in partnership with SpaceX in January 2022. Their ever-increasing fleet of satellites will add considerably to their data capability, and enhance the global impact of this groundbreaking technology.

Click here to learn more about the Association of Old Crows’ 58th Annual International Symposium & Convention.

Publisher: everything RF