China to Make 6 GHz Spectrum Available for 5G and 6G Systems from July 2023

China to Make 6 GHz Spectrum Available for 5G and 6G Systems from July 2023

China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will make the 6 GHz spectrum available for 5G and 6G systems from July 1, according to a revised regulation made public on June 27.

The country is the first globally to provide the 6 GHz band (6.425-7.125 GHz), or portions thereof, for International Mobile Telecommunications services, which is conducive to promoting global and regional spectrum division in a consistent manner and to providing sufficient mid-band resources for the development of 5G and 6G, according to the newly released regulation.

The 6 GHz spectrum is the only high-quality resource with large bandwidth in the mid-band, taking into account its coverage and capacity advantages, the ministry said, noting that the 6 GHz range is particularly suitable for the deployment of 5G systems or 6G systems in the future.

The move will help to stabilize the expectations of the 5G and 6G industries, offer frequencies in the mid-band for 5G and 6G systems, and promote the development and innovation of mobile communication technology, the ministry said.

Click here to learn more about 6G on everything RF.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   Spectrum5G6G