RocketStar to Develop Low Probability of Interception Software for Military Communications

RocketStar to Develop Low Probability of Interception Software for Military Communications

RocketStar announced that it has been selected by AFWERX for a SBIR contract amounting to $75,000. This project focuses on ensuring low probability of intercept communications to address the most pressing challenges in the Department of the Air Force (DAF).

The Air Force Research Laboratory and AFWERX have partnered to streamline the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) process by accelerating the small business experience through faster proposal to award timelines, changing the pool of potential applicants by expanding opportunities to small business and eliminating bureaucratic overhead by continually implementing process improvement changes in contract execution. The DAF began offering the Open Topic SBIR/STTR program in 2018 which expanded the range of innovations the DAF funded. In December, RocketStar continued its journey to create and provide innovative capabilities that will strengthen the national defense of the United States of America.

In today’s increasingly contested space domain, ensuring secure and reliable communication during launch and throughout satellite operations is paramount. RocketStar, a leading innovator in secure communications technology, is proud to introduce its Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) Software solution designed to provide the U.S. Department of the Air Force (DAF) and U.S. Space Force (USSF) with low-probability-of-intercept/detection (LPI/D) RF communications capabilities for critical space missions.

The Threat

Near-peer adversaries such as China and Russia have the capability to disrupt, detect, and infiltrate communication channels utilized for space operations. The current methods, which rely on easily captured signals and cryptographic keys, are susceptible to interception and manipulation. This vulnerability is particularly concerning with the imminent development of Quantum Computing decoding tools, which could compromise national security and the safety and effectiveness of Warfighters.

Introducing RocketStar’s Signal Enhancement Software: A Game-Changer for Space Communication Security

RocketStar’s Signal Enhancement technology provides communications capability “below the noise floor” to reduce the ability of adversaries to even sense the transmissions let alone capture and interpret it. With capabilities exceeding one order of magnitude of dB below the noise floor, the software can receive incredibly weak transmissions, using smaller antennae, less power, and provide more resiliency.

Automated and easy to use, the software provides a seamless solution for critical launch and orbital operations even in contested communications environments.

Tailored for the DAF/USSF

RocketStar will adapt its Signal Enhancement software to meet the specific needs of the DAF/USSF. This adaptation will:

  • Enhance communication capabilities: Provide a secure and resilient channel for launch and orbital operations, resistant to detection and interception.
  • Increase operational resilience: Ensure uninterrupted flow of critical information, even in contested environments.
  • Integrate encryption techniques: Utilize pulse shaping sequences to minimize interference and further reduce the likelihood of detecting signals. 

Securing the Future of Space Operations

With its advanced LPI/D capabilities, RocketStar’s Signal Enhancement technology empowers the DAF/USSF to safeguard critical space communications. This innovative solution is a crucial step towards ensuring mission success, protecting national security, and maintaining America’s edge in the space domain.

"It is an honor to be selected by the US Space Force for this award and to see a key component of our advanced communication software for the military be formally recognized," said Chris Craddock, CEO of RocketStar. "We are eager to apply our unique LPI software and advance RocketStar's efforts to help the DAF secure our nation."

Click here to learn more about RocketStar's space and defense services.

Click here to learn more about AFWERX.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   SoftwareMilitarySecurity