Ignion Launches New AI-powered Antenna Integration and Development Platform

Ignion Launches New AI-powered Antenna Integration and Development Platform

Ignion, a Barcelona-based IoT antenna innovator, has announced the launch of Oxion, a development platform to shorten the design time of wireless devices. Powered by AWSIoT device developers can leverage the power of AI/ML in real time to avoid wireless connectivity roadblocks and make their projects materially easier to get to market. Oxion de-risks the process through accurate performance prediction and device-tailored design guidance powered by proprietary algorithms leveraging real-world experience from enabling more than 50 million wireless devices.

Developers are no longer solely reliant on what is provided in a static component datasheet as Oxion now provides an interactive digital twin that matches the exact device requirements.

“All good ideas deserve optimal wireless connectivity, and with the installed base of connected devices reaching 70 billion in 2026 according to ABI Research, we need to provide easy access and scale our efforts as an industry” stated Jaap Groot, CEO at Ignion. “It is this spirit of transparency and democratization using the technological evolution of AI which drove us to create Oxion.”

The development of this user-friendly and free-to-access platform was made possible through a grant from the European Union Innovation Council’s Accelerator program. The highly competitive funding program allowed Ignion to work with Barcelona-based AI/ML experts, Basetis, who contributed their expertise in developing proprietary algorithms including active learning that powers the real-time results engine.

Oxion builds on top of Ignion’s successful Antenna Intelligence Cloud launched in 2022 and empowers anyone, regardless of their level of RF expertise. Interactive design and meeting the project’s RF specifications now become as easy as building with LEGO. The real-time drag-and-drop functionality with immediate performance feedback allows developers to tweak the design and decide on antenna components, placement, clearance, and PCB size. Once registered, the users are presented tailored recommendations for the specific device being built and Oxion acts as the developer copilot from concept to production. Once ready to build hardware, Oxion includes direct access to Ignion’s distribution channels to easily procure Bill-of-Materials in one go. Multiple projects can be managed by multiple users and compared all through one dashboard. The result is a de-risked design process avoiding endless trial-and-error steps and letting users get wireless connectivity right the first time.

Oxion is a unique offering that will save wireless developers time and cost,” said Dan Shey, Vice President of Enabling Platforms at ABI Research. “It is exciting to see Ignion embrace the innovation that AI/ML can deliver when combined with their years of expertise.”

The Oxion is being showcased at Embedded World 2024 in Nuremberg this week. Click here to see everything RF's coverage of embedded world 2024.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   AntennaIoT