Point One Navigation and Calian GNSS Provide "Plug and Play" Smart GNSS Antenna support for Polaris RTK

Point One Navigation and Calian GNSS Provide

Calian Group, a diverse products and services company providing innovative healthcare, communications, learning and cybersecurity solutions is collaborating with Point One Navigation to deliver Smart GNSS Antenna support for Polaris RTK. Calian antennas are a household name in geospatial positioning. Under their former name, Tallysman Wireless, Calian’s products have provided highly accurate, interference-free data from Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) for applications as varied as precision agriculture and autonomous vehicles.

With the launch of its new ST Teseo V based TW5387 Dual Band Smart GNSS Antenna, Calian gas combined combine industrial grade Smart GNSS antennas with Point One Navigation's Polaris RTK service. This collaboration will deliver Plug and Play cm-level precision to a broad range of applications, such as defence, robotics and other unmanned systems. 

With Polaris RTK support, the TW5387 antenna delivers cm-level precision, as validated through testing by Point One Navigation. Calian's High Precision Dual Band GNSS Smart Antennas utilize Calian's patented Tallysman Accutenna® technology and integration expertise to create a noise resilient solution (out of band and systemic noise) that can be easily designed-in and deployed by system developers. The TW5387's tightly coupled, compact and protected GNSS signal chain (with Calian eXtended Filtering) and subsequent digital receiver signal distribution over RS-232 or RS422 minimizes RF design cycle and operational risk by delivering system integrators reliable and precise results that Point One Navigation customers are expecting. 

"Point One has made integration with our antennas extremely easy,” says Darrell Wellington, Vice President and General Manager, Calian GNSS. “Calian is enthusiastic about ensuring Point One Navigation customers achieve the best results by using proven, quality-integrated High Precision Smart GNSS antenna solutions. The TW5387 is our initial foray into broadening our Dual Band GNSS receiver offerings to other major receiver platforms." 

Point One Navigation’s Polaris network provides cm-accurate positioning at scale with a global network of 1400+ base stations. Global Coverage includes US, EU, CA, AU, UK and South Korea. Its industry leading Positioning Engine increases positioning accuracy in GNSS challenged environments through sensor fusion with IMU, wheel odometry, and other sensors.   

“Point One Navigation and Calian share the vision of creating products that ‘just work’ out of the box with cm-accurate positioning,” says Aaron Nathan, President and CEO of Point One Navigation. “Through our partnership, we’ve been able to create a solution that delivers best-in-class accuracy and proven results with zero setup or calibration headaches for our customers,”  

Adds Nathan, "Point One Navigation is excited to work with Calian for the high quality and proven results of its product, as well as the easy to deploy all-in-one GNSS solution. We look forward to broadening our relationship with Calian's GNSS division."

Click here to learn more about the new ST Teseo V based TW5387 Dual Band Smart GNSS Antenna from Calian.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   AntennaGNSSAutomotive