Block Up Converters

2 Block Up Converters from 1 Manufacturers meet your specification.
Selected Filters Reset All
  • Manufacturers: Comtech Xicom Technology, Linwave Technology, TTI
  • Gain : 50 to 80 dB
  • Output Power (W) : 5 to 15 -
Description:Block Upconverter from 5.85 – 6.65 GHz for Mobile/Fixed/Fly-away Applications
Package Type:
Module with Connectors
RF/Output Band:
C Band
RF/Output Frequency:
6850 to 6650 MHz
Input Frequency Band:
L Band
IF frequency:
950 to 1750 MHz
60 dB
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Description:Block Upconverter from 5.85 to 6.725 GHz for Mobile/Fixed/Fly-away Applications
Package Type:
Module with Connectors
Single Band
RF/Output Band:
X Band
RF/Output Frequency:
5825 to 6725 MHz
Input Frequency Band:
L Band
IF frequency:
950 to 1825 MHz
60 dB
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FiltersReset All

RF/Output Frequency


RF/Output Band

Gain Control

Output Power


Output Power (W)

Gain (dB)

Package Type