The fastest way to locate interference in mobile networks

  • Webinar Date

    December 7, 2017

  • Webinar Time

    09:00 CET and at 17:00 CET

Webinar Overview

Interference in the radio access network is ubiquitous and becoming more critical as the deployment of the latest cellular standards increases sensitivity to interference and subsequent degradation of network performance. This webinar will compare and contrast different techniques to geolocate sources of interference in mobile networks, with a focus on POA vs. AOA. A real interference geolocation use case will be shared and a definitive procedure for the fastest interference location will be presented.

Attendees of the webinar will learn about:

  • The various sources of interference in mobile networks
  • The different techniques for interference geolocation
  • The advantages and disadvantages of different techniques
  • The procedure to locate interference in the fastest way

Who should attend?

  • Mobile network operators
  • Testing service providers
  • Telecommunications regulators and authorities