Simulating Radar Signals for Meaningful Radar Warning Receiver Tests

  • Webinar Date

    Wednesday, May 22, 2019

  • Webinar Time

    8am PT / 11am ET

Webinar Overview

Testing state-of-the art radar warning equipment with adequate RF and microwave signals is a challenging task for radar engineers. Generating test signals in a lab that are similar to a real-life RF environment is considered a supreme discipline when evaluating advanced radars. A scenario for testing radar warning receivers (RWR) can easily contain many highly mobile emitters that are capable of mode changes, many interfering signals and a moving multi-channel receiver. Today, there are intuitive and easy-to-use software tools available that take a lot of work off the hands of radar engineers.

In this seminar, you will learn how to:

  • Create radar scenarios ranging from simple pulses to the most demanding emitter scenarios using PC software
  • Generate complex radar signals with off-the-shelf vector signal generators
  • Increase flexibility during radar simulation by streaming pulse descriptor words (PDW)

Presenter Bio:
Robert Vielhuber, Senior Product Manager for RF Signal Generators at Rohde & Schwarz, covers products for Aerospace & Defense and Automotive applications. He is responsible for the global technical and commercial success of the Rohde & Schwarz radar signal simulation solutions.

Robert is a senior specialist in Product Management and Marketing with more than two decades of experience in product management and marketing of electronic high-tech investment goods. He has significant broad experience also due to his earlier experience, where he was responsible for Strategic and Operational Marketing for the Broadcasting products at Rohde & Schwarz. He holds a degree in communication engineering from the University of Applied Sciences in Munich.