Satellite Mission Planning – the R&S®SLP Satellite Link Planner and the R&S®GSACSM Communication System Monitoring

  • Webinar Date

    June 9, 2020

  • Webinar Time

    8am PT / 11am ET

Webinar Overview

Planning of satellite communication links or even whole networks is a very demanding task. In the first part of this webinar, we will present our software for satellite link planning that supports the user in a convenient way but takes into the account all relevant sources of impact. In the second part of the webinar, we will demonstrate our solution for monitoring satellite networks, either at one site or distributed worldwide. In addition, we will put focus on the identification of interference coming from unwanted satellite signals or terrestrial sources. We will also show how to make interfering signals that lie underneath the wanted satellite carrier visible.

Presenter Bio:

Michael Nebel is a product manager for satellite communications solutions at Rohde & Schwarz in Munich, Germany. He studied Electrical Engineering at the Bundeswehr University Munich. He focuses on software and hardware solutions for the planning and monitoring of satellite communication networks.