Simplify your 5G RF Path

  • Webinar Date

    July 9, 2020

  • Webinar Time

    1:30 am – 12:30 pm IST

Webinar Overview

Wireless operators are being challenged as never before to add capacity and boost network performance to stay ahead of the competition, while also working on the plans for 5G deployment.

Migration to 5G RF path requires considerations on coverage and capacity aspects of several possible configurations for 4G and 5G at different FDD and TDD bands. Operators may need unique RF path strategies suitable for requirements of different parts of the network. This means that network planners need access to a toolkit of RF path solutions, so that they can find the best fit while balancing performance with total cost of ownership (TCO).

In this live webinar, mobile network expert Amar Mandhyan will share CommScope’s experience and insights, and provide several solutions and strategies for the RF path evolution to 5G.

Join us and learn about:
• Coverage and capacity considerations for 4G and 5G RF path
• Reference scenarios for 5G RF path upgrades and its implications
• Solutions to address the upgrade scenarios
• Strategies to simplify the deployment to enable faster and smarter 5G