Accurate Simulation of RF Designs Requires Consistent Modeling Techniques

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  • Author: V. Cojocaru,D. Markell, J. Capwell, T. Weller and L. Dunleavy
With a consistent approach, based upon the use of accurate characterization techniques and advanced passive and active com-ponent models, a high level of accuracy can be achieved when simulat- ing basic RF/microwave circuit designs. This article describes the tech-niques used in a number of new or enhanced high-frequency component models that increase the simulation prediction capability and reduce the number of design, fabrication and test cycles. It presents the general fea-tures of some novel SMT capacitor and induc-tor models, as well as those of high-frequency non-linear models for varactor and switching diodes. The accuracy of the models is thor-oughly verified against experimental data in a number of tests performed on each individual component model, as well as in a more com-plex test carried out on a typical dual-band VCO tank circuit used in some modern com-munication systems.
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