A Book Review, Plus Notes on Electromagnetics

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  • Author: Karl. E. Lonngren, Sava V. Savov, Randy J. Jost
With the release of a new edition, Fundamentals of Electromagnetics with MATLAB has become an even more valuable tool for teaching (and learning) EM principles. The book features an accompanying CD with extensive supporting material, including a tutori-al on MATLAB for new users, MATLAB files, optional supplemental material that expands the contents to more advanced topics (useful for a second term course), and a variety of application descriptions in PDF format to answer the age-old question of EM stu-dents, “Why do I need to learn this stuff?” The other special feature of the book is a support-ing Web site that contains an evolving collection of material submitted by the authors, instructors using the book in their classes, and individuals who use the book as a reference text. The additional material includes MATLAB programs, projects, applications, and any other pertinent topic.
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