Get it Right the First Time When Specifying Filters

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  • Author: Sam Benzacar & Joseph Pillari
This note presents eight important tips to help engi-neers specify filters for RF and microwave appli-cations. Following these guidelines can help trim costs, reduce production delays and, of course, obtain the intended level of performance for your system. In a classic case of what you don’t know can hurt you, design engineers with advanced knowledge of digital electronics are discover-ing an urgent need to brush up on RF basics when it comes to specifying filters for wireless devices. Failure to take into account the fun-damental aspects of filter types and minimum specification requirements can result in prod-ucts that fail during test, thus incurring cost-ly production delays as the product goes back to the drawing board. On the other hand, knowing how to accurately specify filters helps yield products that meet production benchmarks and function correctly in the hands of the customer. In effect, this knowl-edge helps contain production expenses while upping the product’s chance of success in the marketplace.
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