Radar Development Using Model-Based Engineering

The Radar lifecycle comprises development, deployment, maintenance, and enhancement for future requirements; each must be considered upfront for developing an effective and efficient system and to achieve low cost of ownership. Highly complex Radars have been developed and deployed in complex environments with great performance and superb results since World War II. Since then; however, signal complexity has gone up by several orders of magnitude and new technological innovations have been introduced to realize ever increasing capabilities. These two aspects alone make the Radar development lifecycle very complex. In fact, without modern tools and processes it would be almost impossible to meet today’s delivery times and budget requirements. Because of this, several big organizations in the Unites States—Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, and others—came together to evolve new methods for Radar development. Model Based Engineering (MBE) is one such technique.
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