Combiner/Splitter for Simple, Low Cost GPS Signal Transport

The need for GPS signals at a communications site for network timing and user location purposes is essential in today’s connected mobile world.  The constellation of GPS satellites provide essential timing and differential location signals creating the backbone for advanced modulation/handoff accuracy, as well as  E911/location services, all vital functions in today’s advanced communications networks.

To capture GPS signals, a clear line of site skyward is an obvious requirement to access the GPS satellite constellation.  Therefore the location of the GPS antenna at a communications site is often remote (up the tower, top of a telephone pole or on building rooftop) to ensure line of site access.  This leaves the antenna far removed from the GPS receiver or network radio.  Therefore the need exists for a method to transport the GPS signals from the remote antenna to the receiver, with no or minimal impact addition to GPS system noise figure.

This paper examines the benefits of a unique Combiner/Splitter product that facilitates simple, low cost GPS signal transport. 

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