Massive MIMO

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  • Author: GTI Group

Massive-antenna technology is of significant importance for operators during evolution from 4G to 5G. Traffic is growing fast, and how to fully use current LTE investment to constantly meet traffic demands and how to maintain the profitability of existing 4G and 4G evolution systems to satisfy the development requirements of vertical industry and applications are important for operators. All these impose demanding requirements for operators' networks. With ITU's finalization of 5G requirementcollection and unveiling of 5G standardization, how to satisfy 5G's requirements for spectrum efficiency is also of priority for operators.

LTE TDD has some inborn advantages in deploying Massive MIMO. With the aim of facilitating
massive-antenna technology deployment on 4G networks and 5G rollout, this white paper describes the technical principles and test achievements of Massive MIMO, and serves as a reference for operators and industry partners during 4G evolution and 5G deployment.

This White paper covers:

  • Massive MIMO principle and TDD advantage for Massive MIMO
  • Field trial results of Massive MIMO in typical scenarios
  • Massive MIMO Commercial Roadmap in 4.5G and 5G
  • The requirements and further enhancements of Massive MIMO commercial products 
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