Voice over 5G: The Enterprise Opportunity for Communications Service Providers

5G will be a game changer over the next ten years. Enterprises in every sector will undergo drastic changes with the arrival of 5G capabilities. Communications Service Providers (CSPs) will drive this disruption by helping enterprises to take advantage of innovative and exciting 5G services. Yet voice will continue to play a critical role in enterprise communications as a component within new service bundles enabled by 5G.

This fifth Nokia white paper on Voice over 5G (Vo5G) outlines the different approaches to voice for enterprise today and looks ahead to the arrival of 5G. To regain enterprise business lost to IT and over-the-top (OTT) competitors, CSPs can offer cloud-based, customized virtual networks, managed private wireless 5G networks and many other types of service that leverage the new capabilities of 5G. With a converged cloud-native IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) solution, CSPs will be well placed to offer Vo5G services for enterprises.

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