5G Indoor White Paper

Compared with previous generations of mobile technologies, 5G offers higher bandwidth, more connections, lower latency, and higher reliability. It helps realize the Internet of Everything and the Intelligence of Everything, make revolutionary changes to the people and the industries, and bring the entire society into a new digital era.

In order to materialize all this, network coverage is by no means to be overlooked. Most of 5G traffic, many believe, will take place in indoor. It is therefore crucial for any operators trying not only to offer quality networks but also remain profitable to have good indoor coverage of 5G. It is however often more difficult to achieve good indoor coverage than outdoor coverage, let alone the even more diverse types of services and their consequently diverse requirements on the networks’ capability and capacity in the 5G era. The existing indoor coverage solutions have their benefits and limitations and new solutions are sometimes in strong needs.

This white paper looks into the main considerations of 5G indoor coverage, deployment principles of 5G indoor coverage, how to optimize the existing indoor coverage solution to evolve towards 5G, how to coordinate with indoor and outdoor coverage to improve user experience, and outlooks the development trend of 5G indoor coverage technology.

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