A Guide to Wi-Fi 6E - Wi-Fi 6 in the 6 GHz Band

On April 23, 2020 the FCC voted unanimously to make 1,200 megahertz of spectrum available for unlicensed use in the 5.925-7. 125 GHz (6 GHz) band. This historic event was the culmination of several years of work by Wi-Fi advocates underscoring the FCC’s commitment to promote unlicensed standards as the indispensable engine for wireless connectivity for American consumers. The extension of Wi-Fi in the 6 GHz band, named Wi-Fi 6E by the Wi-Fi Alliance, has been strongly advocated for by many in the WiFi industry.

From chipset and equipment manufacturers to service providers and end users, everyone agrees that more than doubling the available spectrum will revolutionize the Wi-Fi user experience. Chipset manufacturers have already announced new products capable of supporting the 6 GHz band and consumer equipment could become available as early as the end of the 2020.

To understand the importance of this event, deemed by many as the biggest revolution in Wi-Fi, this paper will review what makes the 6 GHz band compelling for unlicensed use and why additional spectrum is so badly needed to sustain Wi-Fi growth. The paper will also explore how the 6 GHz band will fit into Wi-Fi 6 deployments and analyze the challenges associated with bringing Wi-Fi 6E devices to market.

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