Commercializing 5G Network Slicing

5G network slicing enables businesses to enhance their network security, reliability, and flexibility needs by creating independent logical network slices on the same physical cellular wireless network infrastructure. The Network Slicing framework is one of the major additions to the 5G Standalone standards. While it is still in its infancy, it is also one of the essential pillars for enabling operators to create and deliver new services. Network slicing is a complex technical capability as it touches nodes in all the wireless network domains – device, core, transport, and radio.

“Commercializing 5G Network Slicing” explores how end to end network slicing can enable communication service providers to meet all the needs from their enterprise and business customers. It provides a deep dive into the main technical concept of Network Slicing and explains the technical concepts and standards that support them. It covers network slicing-based services with future improvements and insights into architecture models while providing clarity into the complexity of initial commercialization possibilities.

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