In-Building Network Evolution: From 4G to 5G

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  • Author: Vladan Jevremovic

5G Networks, also known as 3GPP Release 16 (Phase 1) and Release 17 (Phase 2), promise to bring many technical innovations to the field of cellular technologies. The new networks will be able to provide a wide range of diverse applications, from asynchronous, low data rate applications targeting machine to machine communications (M2M) and the Internet of Things, to low latency very high data rate applications such as video gaming, and everything in between. 5G networks, unlike their predecessors, will be deployed over a wide range of frequency bands. Sub-6 GHz will be used for blanket, citywide coverage suitable for mobile coverage, while millimeter wave frequencies (24 GHz and above) are suitable for stationary point to multi-point  high bandwidth coverage targeting residential areas. In this paper, we focus on key 5G features and discuss which type of 4G networks may be most affected by transitioning to 5G.

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