The Challenges of Delivering Large Anechoic Chambers for Testing Large EUTs

Whenever starting a discussion about an EMC or antenna chamber design, very often it begins with a series of questions to aid in understanding the requirements.The same (or very similar) requirements must be discussed and understood when looking at antenna chamber design. While in this case there may not be standards to work to, there will still be performance requirements which need to be met. When looking at large chambers, there are also other issues which need to be considered as part of the design, many of which potentially have a civil engineering and/or building services implication.

This whitepaper will focus primarily on large chambers and large EUTs, considering some of the challenges which are faced when trying to design and implement such a chamber. It will not discuss the standards or test methods, instead focusing on the engineering aspects of designing and installing large chambers. The issues presented here are general, and equally applicable to EMC and/or antenna measurement chambers. Likewise, while the focus will be on large chambers, much of the information contained within is just as applicable for smaller chambers.

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