Achieving C-V2X Compliance

The global connected vehicle market generated $54 billion in 2020 despite the Covid-19 pandemic. Automotive industry predictions indicate this figure will increase to $166 billion by 2025. Automotive manufacturers, innovators of intelligent transportation system (ITS) devices, and those responsible for deploying infrastructures must work collaboratively with certified testing specialists. Communication sharing across all industries ensures the technologies brought to market offer interoperability and meet the evolving standards of 5G and C-V2X.The global acceptance for the cellular vehicle-to-everything (C-V2X) communication technology takes autonomous driving from a shared vision to mass-market reality.C-V2X uses the 3rd Partner Project (3GPP) standard for 4G and 5G mobile cellular connectivity and operates in the 5.9 GHz frequency band. In most countries, this is the official designated Intelligent Transport System (ITS) frequency band.

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