Hybrid Beamforming for Massive MIMO Phased Array Systems

This paper demonstrates how you can use MATLAB® and Simulink features and toolboxes to: Design and synthesize complex antenna elements and MIMO phased arrays and sub-arrays, Partition hybrid beam-forming systems intelligently across RF and digital domains. To validate spatial signal processing algorithm concepts,verify link-level designs using high-fidelity simulations and evaluate the impacts of failed or imperfect elements and sub-arrays.

A fundamental goal of MATLAB and Simulink products for this application is to provide a direct path to expand the level of fidelity of the model over the many phases of project development. This includes tasks such as bringing measured data into the model for the antenna pattern and the propagation paths. It also includes expanding the level of fidelity of the RF chain by bringing in models of RF components in the context of multi-domain simulation with Simulink.

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