Benefits of Networked Multichannel Radio Systems In Strategic Communication Intelligence (COMINT) Scenarios

In strategic communication intelligence scenarios one of the main tasks is to gather as much information as possible. Ideally the cost should be proportional to the value the gathered information provides. Un-fortunately, it is nearly impossible to value the information at the time it is gathered. Information might become valuable first after two or three Years. Therefore, the cost is typically bound by given budgets.Today, we see a continuously growing number of communication signals in the spectrum.

At the same time wireless communication standards are increasingly diverse. More and more information has to be acquired and processed while the budgets typically don’t increase proportional to the increased amount of gathered information.Using conventional methods for strategic communication surveillance would increase the cost almost proportionally to the growing amount of communication signals. New cost efficient solutions are needed which effectively acquire, monitor, and process communication signals.In the following section we explore how networked multichannel radio systems reduce both capital and operating expenses (CAPEX & OPEX).

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