Radio Over Satellite Solutions

Communication requirements and channels have evolved drastically in the age of globalization and it has become imperative to enhance connectivity between organizations, worldwide teams, headquarters, and employees on the field. Radio communications play an essential role in this, especially in public safety, fleet operations, mining and military applications. Most radio networks use line-of-sight propagation or have fixed repeater stations. Radio over satellite can extend each of these networks and provide essential connectivity between headquarters and field teams during natural disasters and mission-critical applications.

Remote radio networks can be unified with fixed landlines, cellular systems or Push-To-Talk (PTT) radios facilitating encrypted, real-time direct voice and data communications to headquarters, control centers or operations rooms. With the right systems engineering and technology partner, radio-over-satellite solutions are easy to manage and deploy. They can be operated remotely and can be left unattended once installed, making this a perfect solution for communication in uncertain environments. Careful engineering is required to ensure audio quality, latency, jitter, and bandwidth of digital radio systems over satellite. Testing has confirmed that there is no discernable degradation in audio quality using radio over satellite. Thorough planning and designing of network to maximize limited bandwidth usage due to cost and link budget are required.

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