Tallysman VeraPhase™ 6000

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  • Author: Julien Hautcoeur & Ronald H Johnston

The use of GNSS technology has permeated many aspects of life today. With each advancement in GNSS technology, new applications become possible as a result of lowered costs, smaller size, greater capabilities, and/or higher precision. The introduction of Tallysman’s patented VeraPhase™ technology contributes to the advancement of GNSS applications by providing new levels of precision and capabilities not previously available in a single antenna. Wide bandwidth is important because it allows users to take advantage of more GNSS constellations. This enhances the accuracy, integrity, continuity and availability of GNSS. Using more frequencies improves the ability to eliminate ionospheric errors that otherwise can only be approximated with a single frequency using the Klobuchar model and broadcast GNSS messages. The ability to receive more than one GNSS constellation also improves the ability to receive good quality satellite observables, particularly in challenging environments.

The Tallysman VeraPhase™ 6000 antenna (VP6000) covers all GNSS constellation frequencies (1164 – 1300 MHz and 1559 – 1610 MHz) plus L-Band correction services (1525 –1559 MHz).

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