5G for Enterprise Networking

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  • Author: Ahmad Rostami, Deepak Nair, Malgorzata Svensson & Jan Backman

Enterprise networking refers to the set of physical and virtual equipment, resources, and services that are used to provide required connectivity services among users, information systems, applications, cloud, and the internet in a specific business or mission-oriented environment. Enterprise networks are used across various environments, including corporate offices, utilities, manufacturing, healthcare, retail, and public safety.

In this paper, we provide an overview of how 5G technology can be used to provide end-to-end connectivity solutions to enterprises, and we specifically investigate WAN enterprise networking. Our paper also sheds light on how CSPs can utilize their cellular network
infrastructure to offer enterprise networking services fulfilling the evolving requirements of enterprises. In doing so, we elaborate on challenges related to integrating advanced enterprise networking solutions into the CSP networks and discuss viable solutions to those

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