5G Frequency Spectrum in Sweden

What frequency bands have been allocated to 5G in Sweden?

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Feb 10, 2021

The following 5G frequency bands have been allocated in Sweden:

BandFrequencyAuction Status
n28-Auctioned (2018)
n402300 - 2380 MHzAuctioned (2021)
n783400 - 3720 MHzAuctioned (2021)
n25824.25 - 25.1 GHzUpcoming (2021)
n25825.1 - 27.5 GHzUpcoming
n25727.5 - 29.5 GHzUpcoming

The 5G auction for the 700 MHz band was held in the second half of 2018, which generated €274 million for a total of 40 MHz spectrum. In the auction, Telia Sweden won 2×10 MHz FDD and Net4Mobility won 2 licenses of 2×5 MHz FDD spectrum each.

The Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS) held the auction for 2300 – 2380 MHz (n40) and 3400 – 3720 MHz (n78) bands for 5G services on January 19, 2021. Four bidders won licences in the two frequency bands and the auction raised a total of 2.32 billion SEK (226 million EUR). Click here to learn more.

PTS released a statement with the full allocations of this auction as follows:

  • Teracom Group, which took over Net1 in 2019, took the entire 2.3 GHz band from 2300 – 2380 MHz
  • Hi3G got 100 MHz from 3400 – 3500 MHz
  • Telia secured 120 MHz of spectrum from 3500 – 3620 MHz
  • Net4Mobility (a joint initiative by Tele2 and Telenor’s local units) won 100 MHz spectrum from 3620 – 3720 MHz

PTS also plans to authorize the use of the 24.25 – 25.1 GHz (n258) band before the end of 2021. 

PTS stated 5G coverage in major cities and along major roads will be achieved by 2025. This may include making 2400 MHz of spectrum available in the range of 25.1–27.5 GHz for major urban areas, starting with Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmo and elsewhere from 2026.
