What is AEC-Q104?

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Jan 14, 2020

The AEC-Q104 is a global standard that defines the minimum stress test requirements and conditions for qualification of multichip modules (MCM) used in the automotive industry. A single MCM consists of multiple electronic components enclosed in a single package that perform an electronic function. These specifications apply only to MCMs which are designed to be soldered directly to a printed circuit board assembly. 

The purpose of this specification is to determine that an MCM is capable of passing the specified stress tests and thus can be expected to give a certain level of quality/reliability in an automotive application.

Typical ambient operating temperature ranges for sub-components are defined in AEC-Q100, AECQ101, and AEC-Q200. However, suppliers may document the specific operating temperature range for the MCM in their datasheet and qualification report.

MCM manufacturers are encouraged to leverage AEC-qualified sub-components, for optimum MCM performance. However, an MCM module has its own reliability considerations, but it is advised to validate the regulations specified under AEC-Q100, AEC-Q101, and ACE-Q200 for ICs and Active/Passive components placed on the module before running the test of the complete MCM defined under AEC-Q104

Qualification test method options for the MCM

The standard is published by the Automotive Electronics Council (AEC), which is a US-based organization that sets qualification standards for the components to be used in the automotive industry.

Click here for the official document from the AEC on the AEC-Q104 qualification process.

There are three other relevant standards published by AEC:

AEC-Q100 - This standard has been created for Integrated Circuits used in the Automotive Industry.

AEC-Q101 - This standard has been created for Active Components used in the Automotive Industry.

AEC-Q200 -  This standard has been created for passive components used in the Automotive Industry.