EMWorks to Conduct Webinars to Showcase Applications of EM Simulation Software in Various Fields

EMWorks to Conduct Webinars to Showcase Applications of EM Simulation Software in Various Fields

EMWorks, a provider of electromagnetic simulation software for electrical and electronics design with multiphysics capabilities, will be conducting webinars to showcase the applications of Electromagnetic Simulation Software in various fields. The webinars are free-of-cost and will be held twice for each topic. They will conduct the following webinars:

Simulation of axial flux machines in EMS/SolidWorks: Axial flux machines have an overall shorter flux path compared to radial machines. As a result, an axial machine has a higher power density, developing 30-40% more torque than a radial machine of equal size. In addition, the windings in axial machines experience less heat. No wonder, they are experiencing a higher demand for novel applications such as hybrid and electric cars. However, the design and fabrication of the axial machines are more challenging. In this webinar, step-by-step procedures will be demonstrated to use EMS and SolidWorks to model and simulate axial flux machines. For example: 

  • How to perform load and no-load analyses.
  • How to investigate the impact of magnet types and their arrangements on the performance of the machine.
  • How to compute the temperature due to the different losses in the machine.

The webinar will be held on Thursday, December 02, 2021, SESSION 1: 03:00 PM CET, 02:00 PM GMT, and SESSION 2: 02:00 PM EST, 07:00 PM GMT.

Click here to register for the "Simulation of axial flux machines in EMS/SolidWorks" webinar.

Defected ground structure technique to improve the frequency response of a microstrip lowpass filter: Defected Ground Structure (DGS), which is a simplified version of Electromagnetic Band Gap, has recently become popular in improving the frequency response of various passive components without sacrificing the overall size of the structure. However, such improvement is very much dependent on the size, shape, and position of the DGS.

In this webinar, we will show you, step-by-step, how to use the virtual prototyping high-frequency software, HFWorks, to improve the frequency response of a microstrip lowpass filter using a DGS. 

The webinar will be held on Thursday, December 09, 2021, SESSION 1: 03:00 PM CET, 02:00 PM GMT and SESSION 2: 02:00 PM EST, 07:00 PM GMT.

Click here to register for the "Defected ground structure technique to improve the frequency response of a microstrip lowpass filter" webinar.

Magnetostriction Modeling of Transformer's Noise: The magnetostriction effect is the main culprit for the transformer’s noise and vibration. In simple terms, upon exposure to a magnetic field, magnetic steel gets magnetized, thus, extends. When the magnetic field is turned off, the sheet shrinks back to its original form. This cycle of extension and contraction is usually small dimensionally and therefore cannot be seen by the naked eye, i.e. in the order of microns per meter. Nevertheless, it is sufficient to cause vibration and, hence, noise. Reducing noise caused by magnetostriction is the nightmare of transformer designers and manufacturers.

In this webinar, a step-by-step procedure will be demonstrated to use EMS and SolidWorks to accurately compute the magnetostriction force and the resulting displacement, stress, and strain early in the design cycle using the digital twin of your transformer.

The webinar will be held on Thursday, December 09, 2021, SESSION 1: 03:00 PM CET, 02:00 PM GMT, SESSION 2: 02:00 PM EST, 07:00 PM GMT.

Click here to register for the "Magnetostriction Modeling of Transformer's Noise" webinar.

Publisher: everything RF