GPS Anti-Jam Systems from Mayflower Receive US Federal Aviation Authorization

GPS Anti-Jam Systems from Mayflower Receive US Federal Aviation Authorization

Mayflower Communications Company, a technology and innovation leader specializing in small Size, Weight, and Power (SWaP) Global Positioning System (GPS) Products and Technologies has received a technical standard order (TSO-C190) Authorization from the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for both MAGNA-F and MAGNA-I models of its MAGNA GPS Anti-Jam product. Mayflower’s MAGNA GPS Anti-Jam products are the first and only GPS Anti-Jam systems in the industry to receive the FAA TSO Authorization for installation on both military and civilian aircraft.

The MAGNA Anti-Jam products consist of two different models, the MAGNA-Federated (MAGNA-F) and the MAGNA-Integrated (MAGNA-I). Mayflower’s MAGNA products build on Mayflower’s highly SWaP-optimized GPS Anti-Jam (AJ) antenna technologies, such as Small Antenna System (SAS). The MAGNA products were developed by Mayflower under sponsorship by the US Navy SPAWAR and further improved under the sponsorship of the US Army PEO AVN to support GPS protection requirements for SWaP-constrained air, sea and ground platforms e.g., fixed-wing/rotary aircraft, ships, UAVs as well as tactical vehicles. Both MAGNA products offer simultaneous L1/L2 protection and can protect commercial and military GPS Receivers.

The MAGNA-F (NavGuard® 710) is the latest federated, small SWaP, affordable GPS AJ solution which has been extensively integrated, tested, and flown in Navigation Warfare (NAVWAR) operational environments by the Government on multiple aircraft platforms. MAGNA-F is the highest performance and smallest federated GPS anti-jam solution on the market in its class utilizing a small 3.5” diameter Controlled Reception Pattern Antenna (CRPA) that is compatible with existing Fixed Radiation Pattern Antenna (FRPA) footprint. The MAGNA solution consistently outperforms many larger solutions and offers an affordable, small SWaP-C alternative over larger and more expensive existing anti-jam systems.

The MAGNA-I (NavGuard® 730) is the highest performance and smallest GPS anti-jam integrated solution on the market in a 4.5” diameter FRPA-compatible footprint. MAGNA-I simplifies platform integration and reduces life cycle costs. MAGNA-I integrated AJ solution (antenna array integrated with antenna electronics in a single module) is designed for platforms with difficult integration challenges.

"The achievement of the TSO Authorization for the Mayflower MAGNA AJ Systems is a major milestone for the aviation industry as the system can significantly increase safety and efficiency of air travel," said Dr. Triveni Upadhyay, Founder and President of Mayflower Communications Company. “MAGNA GPS Protection System provides pilots with improved GPS availability in a global environment with disrupted GPS signals. Additionally, MAGNA AJ Systems increase efficiency of GPS Position, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) by enabling protected GPS signals to support precise timing for communications and real-time navigation data transfer between aircraft and the ground. This can help in situations where GPS is disrupted and rerouting is necessary to avoid delays.”

MAGNA GPS Anti-Jam products enable all the functionality supported by GPS navigation systems. The MAGNA TSO Authorization facilitates installation and certification for immediate and future air navigation system operation on multiple aircraft platforms, including line fit and aftermarket upgrades. MAGNA AJ systems meet the Design Assurance Level (DAL) B standards related to safety and security requirements for aircraft products of this type, ensuring better protection of critical cockpit navigation systems.

The successful development and FAA TSO authorization of the MAGNA AJ system was a team effort involving the United States Army and Navy. “Mayflower has further built on our reputation for delivering high-quality GPS AJ products that maximize GPS protection and exceed reliability standards. The FAA TSO-C190 authorization enables Mayflower to provide our robust and cost-effective AJ solutions to both military and civilian markets alike.” added Mr. Joe Thomas, Senior Director, Government Programs. “We plan to begin delivering TSO Authorized MAGNA AJ Systems to customers soon.”

Mayflower Communications management team will be participating in the upcoming Joint Navigation Conference (JNC) in San Diego, California, from June 6th through June 9th, 2022. The Mayflower VP of Engineering Mr. Naresh Jarmale will be presenting a paper during Session B4: Military PNT User Equipment 2 – EGI and Platform Integrated PNT at 11:50 in Ballroom B.

Click here to register for the JNC Conference 2022.

Click here to view GNSS Anti-Jam solutions from the leading manufacturers.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   AntennaMilitaryGPSGNSS