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Several years ago, I tried to obtain a copy of King, Mimno and Wing from Dover Publications, the last publisher of record. Out of print! No luck with Powell’s Books, a used book dealer. Today I “Googled” the authors and Amazon came up listing 6 copies available from several sources, and I bought one. Dover published the book in 1965. It is possible that the copyright has lapsed. If so, and if you are interested, you may be able to republish it. Dover publishes “classics” in their Phoenix Editions, including, Steinmetz in a 2-volume edition and Maxwell in a 2-volume edition. These are case bound as opposed to conventional paperbacks of traditional Dover. Also, John C. Slater’s Electromagnetism (ISBN 0486622630) is available in the Phoenix Editions. I hope this information will be of some value.
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