Design Flow for Base Station Antenna


Automated synthesis of microwave devices has been gaining in popularity in CAE applications over the past decade. Antenna Magus now brings this capability to the ?eld of antenna design. Antenna Magus provides a structured catalog of antennas (monitor image below) with concise documentation, robust design algorithms, and export models. The documentation is researched, structured, referenced, and maintained to ensure that documentation on each antenna is well suited to the task at hand. The design algorithms produce working parameter sets based on user-de?ned objectives almost instantly. Antennas designed in Antenna Magus can be exported as models to AWR’s Microwave Of? ce™/AXIEM® software for analysis and integration with circuits and other system components. All models are fully parametric and can be optimized together with other project components. This truly integrates the design of the antenna into the overall design of the device and the system.

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