The Advantages of Multi-Rate Harmonic Balance (MRHB) - Advanced, Multi-Tone Harmonic Balance Technology Pioneered by AWR

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  • Author: Dr. Mike Heimlich
Harmonic balance (HB) analysis is a method used to calculate the nonlinear, steady-state frequency response of electrical circuits. It is extremely well-suited for designs in which transient simulation methods prove acceptable, such as dispersive transmission lines in which circuit time constants are large compared to the period of the simulation frequency, as well as for circuits that have a large number of reactive components. In particular, harmonic balance analysis works extremely well for microwave circuits that are excited with sinusoidal signals, such as mixers and power amplifiers. Harmonic balance analysis has been the fundamental simulation solution for nonlinear frequency-domain simulation for more than 25 years, and the most advanced versions are more capable than ever. AWR’s APLAC® HB simulator, for example, can efficiently solve designs with thousands of analysis frequencies, and its ability to scale in a near-linear fashion as circuit elements, nodes, and frequencies increase makes it highly productive.
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